After college, I discovered my first true passion. Kung fu. Until now, I had never really enjoyed the pain of sport. Until now, I had never pushed through that pain to get the results. Once I did, everything just fell into place. To be entirely honest, I had never really stood out from anyone else in sport. I always did just enough to make the team. In kung fu, I was getting noticed. I was good. I was more than good, I was exceptional.Not to blow my own horn or anything, but it just came naturally to me. I was strong, fast, and above all... I had stamina. When everyone else was at the point of breaking, I was getting warmed up.

challenge myself. I tried snowboarding, Scuba diving, cycling, anything I could think of. Every one that I tried, as amazing as they were, just did not push me as I had hoped. It never tested my limits, and i was craving that challenge. Which is why the idea of doing an Ironman was so appealing to me when Zaids mentioned it. You can read about that in t
I started doing research on Ironman, and I found something interesting. Ironman for the kids. Ironman donated money to different foundations. This made sense to me. You doing the race, why not do it for a cause? Until I discovered the costs. I could barely afford normal entrance fees, let alone 4 time the amount. I tried raising funds and getting sponsorship, not very successfully. I even started acrowdfunding campaign that, as you can see, was also not very successful.
Time to try another route. Looking at the different causes, left me with a very difficult choice. Which one to support? The answer was children. For so many reasons, children. Want to do something about crime? Teach the next generation a better way. Want to find a cure for a disease? Educate a child who could possibly be the future genius to discover the cure. Animals? Future vets. No matter which way I thought about it, children was my answer. The thing is, future generations dictate the quality of the human race in time to come, and judging by the examples set by current leadership, the human race is in serious trouble. The way the state of the world is, Quality leadership is seriously lacking.

So I get everything started with Kids Haven, making sure they are aware of my intentions, and get
everything going official when I check my records and realise something... I had been providing them with old clothing, niknaks and everything else we generally donate to charities all along. I had been helping them, without even realising it... this was a sign. Sealed the deal for me, etched it in stone. I was going to help them in any way I could. So i started tri'ing for Kids Haven and haven't looked back since. Without a doubt, it has been the single most spiritually, emotionally and physically rewarding experience of my life.

I, for the life of me, cannot figure out why more people don't do it. Don't get me wrong, I am not expecting everyone to go out and start doing Ironman, but I am suggesting you find something to be passionate about. Find something you really enjoy. Something that will leave you with a ridiculous smile on your face at the end of the day. If that something can be good for your overall health, even better. It helps getting some exercise, endorphin release and all that, but it helps more if you can do all that while making a difference in the world.
In summery, all I can say is... Life is too short not to enjoy it. Work is not everything. There must be some kind of purpose to life, other than assembling insane amounts of irrelevant stuff you would never use, to impress people you don't even like. How much is enough? When will you actually stop and reap some of the rewards of your hard work. How miserable are you by sticking to your routine, mundane, predictable existence? Go out, do something, love someone, learn something, teach something... just go out. You won't be sorry. I know I am not.